英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:08:54
  • 英英释义

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1. center upon

e.g. Her entire attention centered on her children
Our day revolved around our work

Synonym: focus oncenter onrevolve aroundrevolve aboutcenter

1. concentrate on的翻译

1. 集中:此后,她的心思(mind)都放在孩子身上,即使工作时间(office hours)内业无法集中(concentrate on)在工作上. 对比看(in contrast),男性更有事业心(career-oriented). 甚至独生子女(single-child)也受到歧视,


2. 全神贯注于:burst into laughter 突然笑出声来 | concentrate on ... 全神贯注于... | be replaced by 被...所取代

3. 专心致志于:3. burst into sth. 突然而猛烈地发出或产生某事物 | 5. concentrate on 专心致志于 | 6. Tour de France 环法自行车赛

4. 集中,专心:58、conceive of 想像,设想 | 59、concentrate on 集中,专心 | 61、as far as..be concerned 就...来说

There are limits to adaptation and loud noise becomes more troublesome if the person is required to concentrate on more than one task.(适应是有限度的,如果要求一个人集中精力完成好几个任务,那么吵闹的噪音就会带来更大的困扰。)
The people next door are making so much noise, I just can't concentrate on.(隔壁的人太吵了,我根本无法集中注意力。)
Generally, the students who concentrate on Latin American literature find themselves researching in the history section a lot.(一般来讲,专注于学习拉美文学的学生会发现自己在历史方面有很多研究。)
Do we want instead to redirect those funds to concentrate on lower-hazard parts of the landscape?(我们希望把这些资金重新投入到风险较低的地区吗?)
We need to concentrate on our target audience, namely women aged between 20 and 30.(我们须针对我们的听众对象,即年龄在20到30岁之间的妇女。)
It was up to him to concentrate on his studies and make something of himself.(他能否专心学习并有所成就取决于他自己。)
In this lecture I shall concentrate on the early years of Charles's reign.(这一节课我将着重讲查理王朝的早期统治时期。)
If some reefs are destroyed by storms, starfish populations that inhabited those reefs would have to condense and concentrate on the reefs that are left.(如果一些珊瑚礁被风暴摧毁了,居住在那些珊瑚礁上的海星种群将不得不集中在剩下的珊瑚礁上。)
He can now concentrate on a project he'd originally put to one side.(他现在能集中做他以前暂时搁置一边的一个项目了。)
We should not just concentrate on one thing to the neglect of everything else.(不能只抓一头,把别的事都撇在一旁。)
concentrate on是什么意思 concentrate on在线翻译 concentrate on什么意思 concentrate on的意思 concentrate on的翻译 concentrate on的解释 concentrate on的发音 concentrate on的同义词